The MOR signage collection has grown through the years. From wooden, steel, and neon signs, the collection paints a colorful picture of Redlands past. The Showcase displayed a few of those signs, including one from a historic Redlands landmark!

The signage room at the MOR Showcase displays two signs. The “X” sign is a type that was used by electric railroads to indicate where two tracks crossed each other. To the right of the "X" sign is an area for guests of the Showcase to sign their names. At last viewing of the display, the canvas was nearly full!
The La Posada Hotel Cafe sign is also on display in this room. There are three different La Posada signs that are part of the MOR collection: a neon advertising sign that was mounted along Highway 99, a mid-century era sign for the parking area, and the sign on display at the Showcase as seen above.
Alternate View of The "X" Sign

A historic photo below shows an "X" sign (marked with the red circle) in use at the intersection of Citrus Avenue and Orange Street, marked with the red circle.

The La Posada "neon" sign Showcase display was rigged to look like a working neon sign, complete with the flicker. This was achieved by casting a projected video of a neon sign onto the actual signage. Make sure to click on the photo above.
About La Posada Hotel
The luxurious, 50-room La Posada hotel opened in 1931 and was built by Arthur Gregory. The beautiful three-story, white stucco with red-tile trim building stood in the center of civic life in Redlands until it was demolished in 1973 to make way for a parking lot and the now-empty Redlands mall. A larger than life sign atop its tower was taken down on July 7, 1971, four years after the hotel closed for business. All three La Posada signs were donated by Carl Gregory, Art Gregory, Jr.’s grandson.
The Woman's Relief Corps sign found its way to the MOR collection when a call came through during a Northside garage sale asking if we wanted it. The sign was mounted just above the entrance to the signage room (as seen above).

The Women’s Relief Corps was a women’s organization that was formed as an auxiliary of the Grand Army of the Republic, which was a Civil War veterans’ organization (for US vets, not confederate). The local GAR chapter was called the Bear Valley Post.
-Nathan Gonzales
Director, Heritage Room
A.K. Smiley Public Library
Alternate Views of the Women's Relief Corps sign
The MOR Showcase is a temporary construction of a museum gallery inside the old Redlands Daily Facts building on Brookside Avenue. This is the same building that will be completely reconstructed into the permanent Museum of Redlands.
Built in the fall of 2018, the Showcase is approximately 2,000 square feet, which includes galleries and displays to provide a glimpse into what the permanent museum could be like. It uses items from MOR's current collection. The Showcase will be removed once construction of the new building begins.